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The ​Design Process

“​Material Selecting”

I observed the journey of raindrops; I got my inspired by how they hit tin roofs, flourishing gardens, and bumpy asphalt roads. For me,

these three different places highlighted the

sound, dynamics, and shape of rain. I made 

an object for each of these places.

螢幕快照 2019-02-17 下午6.18.png


Physical characteristic

Social significance

The Dynamics of Rain is inspired by flower petals swinging in the rain.

The Appearance of Rain was inspired by the reflections of the sky in little puddles on the asphalt road and the glimmer of 

neon lights reflected in the dirty water on the tiles.

For the sound of rain, I was always inspired by the sound of 

raindrops hitting roofs; it sounds so boisterous and diverse.

movement       image       sound




​(What does it see, how does it taste the world?)


Objective meaning


social significance

​spice up the atmosphere

​artifact x nature

Subjective definition    

​Interaction between objects


Subjective definition

To reveal the secret life of the object and the interaction between them.

Objective meaning

To showcase the many faces of water and spice up the atmosphere of rainy days.

​"Story telling"



Images, written words

I imagined that the petals become intoxicated when moistened by rain. The rain takes the 

swinging flower petals as a sign of welcome. 

The shape of the device was inspired by slenderblooming flower stalks.

I used to imagine the raindrops were fascinated by the sound 

too, and thus chose to come down and sing together. Because raindrops produce different sounds when they hit different 

places, the song of rain is always unique and varied.

The kaleidoscopic appearance of puddles seemsto attract rain, drawing it down to earth.



3D printing, laser cutting, Arduino board, electronic component​, sound recording


Arduino, Cinema4d, Fritzing, Garageband

​Arduino board

​bread board

servo motor

​power banks

​water sensor

​power banks

​3D-printed roof tile


​DF player+ micro SDcard

​Arduino board

​water sensor



Rain Season is picked as part of the column Demohour.​

ACM INTERACTIONS magazine January-February 2019 Volume XXXVI-1.


​Rain Season under the column How Was It Made.

ACM INTERACTIONS magazine March-April 2019 Volume XXXVI-2. 

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